Personal Account

Frequent taxi user?

Why not open an account with us – the hassle free way to pay for your taxis. We offer personal accounts, where you can keep track of your travel with all your journeys for the month, displayed on your monthly invoice. Setting up an account with us is incredibly simple.

The day we receive your account application form, is the day you could be booking taxis.
All you have to do is quote your account code (nothing complicated we promise) and you’re already well on your way to your destination.

We offer personal accounts for individual customers and families who are juggling with children and work. If you feel that a personal account would be of benefit to you, all we require is that you open up a line of credit with us.

After discussing your needs with you, we will decide on the amount needed to open the account. Monthly updates will be sent to you telling you how much credit remains in your account along with a full breakdown of taxis you have used throughout the previous month; we could send this via post or email. The choice is yours.

If you notice that your level of credit is becoming low then you may top it up if you wish. You could make the payment via Bank transfers, Cheque or you could just bring the payment into the office.

Failure to keep sufficient funds in your account to cover journeys will result in suspension of your account.

You may wish to setup a standing order each month for a fixed amount. You may find it is easier to stick to a budget. If the funds in your account have been exhausted before the next payment has arrived, the account will just be placed on hold until the next payment is received. This will prevent you spending more than you intended.

You could change the amount of credit at any time, if you so wished. We will always keep you up to date with the state of your account. We will remind you by email, if the money in your account falls below an agreed amount.

If you are interested and feel that this would be of real benefit to you, then please feel free to contact us,

either via email or phone 01722 505011 and one of our staff will be happy to help.

There is no administration charge for opening a Personal account.

Personal account holders enjoy priority bookings and have 24/7 access to our service.

Benefits of opening a Personal account?

  • Account holders can book online or by phone
  • Credit – all your journeys are invoiced at the end of the month with full trip details and you only get charged when you use the service
  • Peace of mind – all our drivers are fully licensed
  • Convenience – a reliable service just a phone call away
  • Extra services are…
  • Regular bookings – ideal for school pick ups,
  • Night Owl – providing extra reassurance for passengers travelling alone after dark.

To apply for a Personal Account, download and complete our account ‘Application Form’
Then email it to

To view the form, you will need a copy of Adobe Reader

    Personal Account Application Form


    First Name:


    Phone Number:

    Mobile Number:

    Email Address:


    Require Security Password?: NoYesUnsure


    By submitting, I agree that all info entered was done accurately & truthfully.
    By submitting, I also agree to the Terms & Conditions.

    Terms and Conditions
    1. GENERAL
    a) The completed Taxi Credit Account Form sent to AA Taxis is a request from the business/person detailed on the form for the provision of credit account facilities.
    b) The signed form is permission where applicable for AA Taxis to seek particulars from the Banker’s Business reference named on the Taxi Credit Account Application form.
    c) AA Taxis reserves the right at its own discretion and without giving reasons to reject the application and decline to enter into a contract.
    d) The Agreement exists between AA Taxis and the Account Holder.
    e) A password can be added to the account for use when ordering a taxi under this contract. No credit bookings will be accepted by AA Taxis unless the correct authority details are quoted by the person ordering the taxi.
    f) The client shall notify AA Taxi in writing of ANY change in the particulars shown overleaf. Amendments take effect from the date shown on a confirmation notice issued by AA Taxis.
    g) All our drivers are self-employed and operate under the Hackney Carriage Fare Table. This is subject to review by the Hackney Carriage.
    2. PAYMENT
    a) This payment can be made by cheque made payable to AA Taxis or cash. If cash, this should be hand delivered to our Accounts Department by appointment.
    b) We reserve the right to suspend or terminate an Agreement at any time due to non-payment of the Account. Any outstanding monies become immediately due for payment.
    c) We reserve the right to terminate this Agreement should The Account Holder or agent(s) of said Account Holder act in an inappropriate manner towards any agent(s) of AA Taxis. Any outstanding monies become immediately due for payment.
    d) Either party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving 30 days notice, of such in writing to the registered business/home address of the other party.

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